Lucy Harbron – Town

Can you describe your identity to me?

“It changes quite a lot like depends who I’m around really. I think when I’m at home it’s quite, it can be quite calm, like I don’t seem to talk much around family I think you don’t need to say much. But then depends really; like if other people around me are quite talkative I become quite chatty and loud but then I can be quite quiet and shy so I think it depends really.”

Why did you choose the place you did?

“I think I just like it cause there’s no like bad memories attached to like a town because it’s just a town. Like I think it’s quite impersonal which I like and then like no one really knows you so you can really do what you want whereas like, at certain places it’s quite pressurising sometimes. So yeah you can just kind of wander, do what you want.”

How do you feel being you?

“Quite good sometimes and then sometimes quite bad. It depends on the sort of day I’m having really like I think I’ve struggled quite a lot tryna become happy with myself; like I’ve had some pretty dark times but at the minute quite good.”

Do you feel in control of your body?

“Probably no because I feel like I can do, I can try and be as healthy as I want but my body is gonna do what it wants like it could just kill me right now. But I think in terms of like, your actual physical body not really. But I think you can work to try and make it the best you can so, I think I try and keep control of my body.”

When do you feel most you?

“Probably when I’m alone like, I like to read and just listen to music I think there’s no like, pressure to try and be anything so yeah. Or sometimes when I’m with like best friends – like I have three best friends that have known me my whole life – I feel like when I’m around them it’s just kind of like being around three different parts of me really.”

Do you think you’re beautiful?

“Some days and then some days really not.”

When did you feel most exposed?

“There’s been a couple of times I think. I went through a really bad break up and I think that was quite, I felt quite vulnerable then just because I felt like it was the first time that I couldn’t really hide how I felt about things. I seemed to just lose the ability to keep everything inside so probably then and also like, I lost the person that I would confide in so I was just kind of left alone.”

What moment in your life made you discover who you are or do you think that moment is still to come?

“I don’t think there was one big moment. I think just like little things throughout. I seemed to have just like, grown into who I am but I think if there was gonna be a big moment it would still be to come. Like maybe when I moved out or something.”

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